Risk Assorted (hemp of Edition of The Daily Life of a Family is Hot Very Hot)

11:55 PM

Risk Assorted (hemp Of Edition Of The Daily Life Of A Family Is Hot Very Hot)

  • Tomato patch
  • Yam vermicelli made from bean starch
  • On the west orchid
  • Crowndaisy chrysanthemum
  • Luncheon meat
  • Bolus of Xianggu mushroom tribute
  • Do chili
  • Sweet green
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Caraway
  • Black agaric
  • Lotus root piece
  • Chaffy dish footing
  • Bai Sha candy
  • Unripe smoke
  • Sesame-seed oil
  • Thick broad-bean sauce of county of red oily Pi


The chaffy dish footing that I choose takes Chinese prickly ash, if do not take the footing of Chinese prickly ash to like the perception with the sort of popular hemp very much again, remember be in certainly explode before garlic of sweet green ginger, drill Chinese prickly ash is oily. Eat to have the feeling of the satisfy a craving of kind of hemp hemp in the mouth, perhaps nodding oil of Chinese prickly ash finally to go in, very marvellous also.

  1. Potato section.
  2. Water of bubble of yam vermicelli made from bean starch.
  3. Crowndaisy chrysanthemum, on the west orchid is abluent.
  4. Luncheon meat section.
  5. Defrost of bolus of Xianggu mushroom tribute.
  6. Dry chili is cut paragraph, sweet green cuts chopped green onion, garlic cuts end, ginger cuts end.
  7. Caraway cuts end.
  8. Black agaric bubble is sent.
  9. (This village that I live without bright lotus root) buy so aspic lotus root comes defrost.
  10. Right amount oil is put inside boiler, oil is hot, put green ginger garlic to do chili to explode sweet.
  11. Join thick broad-bean sauce of Pi county red oil.
  12. Join chaffy dish footing, fry a red oil.
  13. Join Bai Sha candy to flavor.
  14. Stir-fry before stewing is fried.
  15. Add water.
  16. (Add water)
  17. Join unripe smoke.
  18. Gallinaceous pink, big baked wheaten cake leaves.
  19. It is easy that the basis feeds capable person ripe degree, ordinal put luncheon meat.
  20. A round mass of food, stew 8 minutes or so.
  21. Put lotus root again piece.
  22. Potato chips, boil 5 minutes or so next.
  23. Join yam vermicelli made from bean starch.
  24. Black agaric.
  25. On the west orchid.
  26. Crowndaisy chrysanthemum, to dish just squashy till.
  27. all sorts of fish out that feed capable person, fill a bowl in, add little caraway end, spot sesame oil, can.