Cake of Wind of Relative of Pumpkin Sweet Beans

11:24 PM

Cake Of Wind Of Relative Of Pumpkin Sweet Beans

  • Pumpkin mud 120g
  • Yoke 4
  • Corn oily 40g
  • Sweet ormosia 30g
  • Albumen 4
  • 70g of soft white sugar
  • 85g of weak strength flour

  1. Add pumpkin stripping and slicing water to thoroughly cook, fish out pumpkin and right amount water are hit into slender mud with mixer, take with 120g.
  2. Pumpkin mud and corn oil are added in yoke agitate is even and exquisite, the sieve enters low muscle flour, mix divide evenly is papered to the yoke that does not have powder piece, mix sweet beans. Yoke paste has certain liquidity, if too dry, can join milk or water to adjust.
  3. Oven warm-up 160 degrees. Albumen is divided second join candy, dismiss to 89 minutes, if the turn of the graph is falcate.
  4. Take 1/3 albumen to break up into yoke paste mix even hind enter albumen basin, continue to break up mix even, join cake batter cake model from certain height, wipe calm surface with drawknife, in the shake on mesa evacuation of bubble of take out air enters the lower level in oven, bake 45 ~ 50 minutes.
  5. Cake expands in oven highest hind a little fall after a rise expresses to be baked thoroughly namely ripe, take out cake pattern, fall to come loose from 20cm place hot, buckle instantly after make cake coping impending between two chopping block, after complete air is cool but the hand moves drawing of patterns.
  6. Craze of exterior a few did not concern, hind of drawing of patterns does not affect the exterior basically. Usable yoghurt drenchs the face is decorated.