Coffee Sheep a Thick Soup

11:50 PM

Coffee Sheep A Thick Soup

  • Agaragar 2G
  • Namely dissolve white coffee (without candy) 20G
  • Milk 130ML
  • White sugar 10G
  • Refine suckles a few


Used Ze Geyi protects white coffee, issued half packets of 20G, one packet is 40G. I am preferred eat sweet, after adding 10G candy to come out more, still drenched grandma of a lot of refine

  1. Agaragar is used a few take out after bleb is soft
  2. Milk is put in boiler next, coffee pink, candy, condensed milk, agaragar. Next small fire is boiled, ceaseless agitate
  3. Container is entered after agitate was changed completely to agaragar. Put next cool refrigerate into freezer with respect to OK